The Roots of Waring Oil Company


The roots of Waring Oil Company begin to grow when Daniel Pierson Waring, Sr. (D.P.) opens his first service station, The Vicksburg, on February 11th in Vicksburg, Mississippi.


D.P. Waring, Sr. works on recruiting efforts for World War II and receives a medal for his efforts. His four sons join the military: D.P. Waring, Jr. (Navy), James L. (“Jimmy”) Waring (Marine Corp), R.E. Waring (Navy), and P. Albert (Navy). The below clip is from The Clarion-Ledger, August 11th, 1944.


D. P. Waring, Jr. joins the business in 1946 after serving in the Navy in World War II.


Waring Oil Company is formed as a Phillips 66 wholesale distributor of oil and gas, and a new bulk plant is built in Vicksburg.


Jimmy Waring takes over Vicksburg Oil & Gas. He continues working at the station for 40 years until his retirement.


Six years later, second son, R.E. Waring joins the business and is placed in charge of the newly acquired butane business, now named Neill Gas, Inc.


The third generation of Warings begins working at the company. D.P. Jr’s son, Dan Waring, joins the business after graduating from Mississippi State University with a business degree.


Howard Waring, Dan’s brother receives a business degree from Mississippi State University and subsequently begins work with the company. Richard Waring, R.E. Waring’s son, earns a liberal arts degree from Ole Miss and joins the company as well.

It was around this time that Waring Oil Company becomes associated with Texaco, Inc. by purchasing a local distributor in Vicksburg. This move helps the company expand and grow in the wholesale fuel and oil market.


Waring Oil Company enters the convenience store business by building its first store on an interstate exchange in Vicksburg, MS. Over the next 25 years, the c-stores became known as Interstate Food Stop and grow to more than 40 stores in MS and LA.


Expansion of Waring Oil Company’s wholesale oil and fuel business progresses with the purchase of a Texaco wholesaler, Johnny B. Walker, in Jackson, MS. Waring evolves into the largest Texaco distributor in the state of Mississippi.


Waring Oil Company purchases a Chevron distributor, Grady Ford, located in Gulfport, MS. This enables the company to begin serving customers all along the Mississippi Gulf Coast.

Richard, Dan, Howard, and D.P., Jr. (back) Waring on the cover of Star Marketer Magazine (March 1998)


Waring Oil Company partners with Exxon Lubricants to become their premier distributor for the state of MS.


Exxon and Mobil merge in 2000, and Waring Oil Company becomes a major supplier of OEM products. Waring adds:

  • Specialty lines of lubricants for the food grade industry including JAX, Fuchs, and Service Pro.
  • Specialty lines of bio-remediation products including ECO-1, the top hydrocarbon remediation product on the market, and Super Enzymes.


Waring sells Interstate Food Stop stores to The Pantry, Inc. Waring Oil Company continues to distribute fuel to over seventy independent retailers.


In April 2008, Waring Oil Company purchases Sanders Oil Company located in Louisville, MS. From this purchase, Waring Oil Company services East Central Mississippi, and Western Alabama.


In October of 2015, Waring Oil Company acquired Bailey Oil Company located in Jackson, Mississippi. This acquisition strengthened our presence in the Jackson metro market.


In February 2017, Waring Oil Company purchases Martin Energy Services Alabama. From this purchase, Waring now services Alabama and Florida Panhandle. In addition to lubricants, Waring Oil Company offers bobtail fuel service for our customers in North and East Central Mississippi and Western Alabama.


In August of 2024, Waring Oil Company acquired the commercial fuels division of Lavigne Oil in Baton Rouge, Louisiana allowing Waring Oil to expand our geographic footprint across Mississippi, Tennessee, Alabama, and now Louisiana.

In December of 2024, Waring Oil Company acquired McLemore Distributors, Inc. of Silas, Alabama which will broaden our area of coverage in Southeast Mississippi and southwest Alabama.

Want to be a part of Waring Oil Company’s future? We’d love to work with you. Contact Waring Oil to learn more about our products and services.